Don’t know what is preferred associates store id? ok let me explain it in a simple way
When you create an affiliate account in any company like Amazon. Then Amazon provides you with an associates store id or tracking id to easily track sales and commission on your account which called a preferred associates store id.

When you first make an affiliate account with Amazon it asks to create preferred associates store id.
If You promote products with different platforms like Pinterest, Youtube, Facebook, Email then you can check how many customers buy products or services through your link or click on your link. When you share or promote a product from Amazon you must add this unique associates store id to your affiliate link.
You can create many different associate IDs from your Amazon affiliate dashboard after you create your first associate id.
How to create preferred associates store id
When you are creating an Amazon affiliate account Amazon asks you to submit your Name, Address, city, state or region, Postal code ( Pin code ) Country, Phone Number. On the next page of this process, it asks you Who is the main contact for the account? Then asks you are you a US person or a non-US person for US tax purposes.
Now all the primary work is done. Add your source of traffic or Youtube channel link, blog link, Mobile app URL where you promote Amazon affiliate products. You can add up to 50 traffic sources.
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On the next window it asks you what is your preferred associates store id ?
You can fill it with your website name, Mobile App name, your account name, or YouTube Account Name, or just anything that easy to remember. You can also use a numeric digit. Like I use justechy159 or justechyhero.
I hope your all query about what is preferred associates store id already solved. Comment down your any query.